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William Doreski

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William Doreski grew up in Connecticut and lived in Boston, Cambridge, and Arlington (MA) for many years before moving to the wilds of New Hampshire. He attended various colleges, and after a certain amount of angst received a Ph.D. from Boston University. He has published several collections of poetry, and three critical studies — The Years of Our Friendship: Robert Lowell and Allen Tate (University Press of Mississippi, 1990), The Modern Voice in American Poetry (University Press of Florida, 1995), and Robert Lowell’s Shifting Colors (Ohio University Press, 1999) — and a textbook, How to Read and Interpret Poetry (Prentice-Hall). His critical essays, poetry, and reviews have appeared in many academic and literary journals, including Massachusetts Review, Yale Review Notre Dame Review, The Alembic, New England Quarterly, Harvard Review, Modern Philology, Antioch Review, Natural Bridge, and many others.


Mist in Their Eyes

70 poems

by William Doreski


6” x 9” 117 pages


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